
Airflow dag config
Airflow dag config

airflow dag config

Or be used to update the existing conf (False). Setting Configuration Options The first time you run Airflow, it will create a file called airflow.cfg in your AIRFLOWHOME directory ( /airflow by default). Replace: Whether or not `given_conf` should replace conf (True) This file contains Airflow’s configuration and you can edit it to change any of the settings. This config controls when your DAGs are updated in the Webserver. Setting Configuration Options The first time you run Airflow, it will create a file called airflow.cfg in your AIRFLOWHOME directory ( /airflow by default). For example, if the path to a crucial file is wrongly configured, or if a necessary environment variable is not set or is incorrectly set, a task could fail. This page contains the list of all the available Airflow configurations that you can. Given_conf: A dictionary of k:v values to update a DagRun's conf with. Configuration Issues: Incorrect configurations or environment variables can lead to task failures. """Updates an existing DagRun's conf with `given_conf`. """Operator to overwrite a dag run's conf after creation."""įrom import provide_sessionįrom import apply_defaultsįrom _helpers import context_to_airflow_vars A DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is the core concept of Airflow, collecting Tasks together, organized with dependencies and relationships to say how they should. I agree that Variables are a useful tool, but when you have k=v pairs that you only want to use for a single run, it gets complicated and messy.īelow is an operator that will let you update a dag_run's conf after instantiation (tested in v1.10.10): #! /usr/bin/env python3 How do I pass the run time config value to the python function in my dag. I want to use this to branch based on the load type. While Variables have methods to both write to and read from a metadata table, dag runs only let you read. Airflow suga September 20, 2021, 3:43pm 1 I want to retrieve dag run time config passed while triggering dag.

airflow dag config

Updating conf after a dag run has been created isn't as straight forward as reading from conf, because conf is read from the dag_run metadata table whenever it's used after a dag run has been created.

Airflow dag config